Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Keep to the right !!! Keep to the right !!!

oh for crying out loud.. don't they teach anyone anything anymore....??  hmmm  too many any's! lol  Anyway..  what is it with people these days that have to walk in the middle of the damn sidewalk and you can't get past them?  Never fails to go right to get around them and they go right.. you go left.. they go left but for the most part, they have to be right in the middle of the damn sidewalk and you can't get around them.


Lesson...  If you always keep to the right then there is a nice, smooth moving path of people.  Either way.  If someone needs to pass you, they can!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

stupid ass people.. or.. I hate drunks

Last night on the way home from the hospital, being with my seriously ill mom, I was coming home in the dark and had to go under some scaffolding.  The contractor didn't hang lights under there so it was fairly dark, not getting the light from the street lights. 

Next thing I know I run over a broken beer bottle.  Instantly I get a full blown flat.  Son of a bitch.  Too bad the ass that dropped it wasn't laying on the ground too.  I swear I would have got off the scooter and jumped up and down on him.

Now I'm stuck in a really shitty part of the City..   between Shuter and Dundas on Jarvis St.  Directly across from the Grand Hotel.  Luckily a young couple stayed with me until my friend Jimmy showed up from home with his disabled accessible van/cab to pick me up.  H.M.E. came at 8:30 am this morning to fix the flat. 

We have laws about drinking in public.  Whether you like it or not asshole.  I honestly wish I knew who you were ...   I got no sleep because I was scared shitless that the hospital would call me and needed me there right away and I had no scooter to get there because of this damn drunk.  They should make liquor illegal.  Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.  Would put a serious dent in drunk driving that's for sure.