Saturday, January 18, 2014

It was a longgggggg day..

Yesterday was exhausing.  A typical day for me though.  I don't know why but most of my days are challenging.  Not only am I disabled but I'm my mom's caregiver and I run an organization.  whew..
Yesterday started normal but this weekend I have the weekend off and am taking my mom for 3 days respite at the local nursing home.  I'm slow these days after a recent heart attack so I'm running a few minutes late which I really don't like.

Probably bulletin point would be faster and easier... lol

1 - left here in the fresh snow (ugh) at 10:45, thankfully we are only going about 2 blocks and a friend is wheeling her.  however she has to stop and wait for me because my mom is really attached to me and won't allow her to get to far ahead. 

2 - get to the nursing home, pay them, then discover the entire freakin lobby is a movie set!!!  holy shit are you kidding me?  nope.. and not only that, there are those wonderful cables and those dumbass ramp things they put over them everywhere!  My scooter goes wonky going over them and I don't like the sensation of tipping and getting a wheelchair over them is yet another matter.  Some poor old man is trying with all his might to navigate a walker over one such ramp.  Who the hell's idea is this and they could have said something.

3 - get her upstairs finally and tucked all in but then it's announced they have a new director and that director doesn't want the client's dosette's of medication, they want the entire bag of medicine bottles for her.  My mom is on about 20 meds..  good grief.  So now I have to go back home and get all her bottles of pills. 

4 - on my way back someone tells me that the back tire of this piece of crap loaner scooter is wobbling!!!  great.  I ask the super to check it and he says yes, it's wobbling.  He and another super look it over and the bolts are tight.  The other super says he thinks my axle is bent.  grrrr  the damn scooter repair place has had my scooter for 3 mths now!!!  claims they are waiting for parts.

5 - I have no choice, need to take the pills to my mom so off I go but since this is wobbly I now have to cancel my appt to get a series of x-rays done today because I don't want the tire falling off on the way to the hospital or back and be stranded for 2 hrs waiting for them to come and get the scooter.

6 - get there, give them their damn pill bottles and one of my caregiver reliefs comes in.  whew..  by 3 pm I can go home and rest.

7 - go home, do dishes, give the dogs water, let them out, put stuff away, etc. etc. It's now about 4 pm and my mom is on the phone to me.  She keeps turning off her phone by accident.  Get that issue cleared up, get all this awful winter clothing off and lay down for a bit.  She calls me again.  no need, just calls.

8 - at 4:50 pm the phone rings yet again.  This time it's a Dr.  He has a new prescription for my mom.  Yikes!!! My pharmacy closes at 5:30 and isn't open on the weekends.  So I quickly dress again and get on the wobbly wheeled scooter and run to the pharmacy before they close. 

9 - I'm hungry so grab some chinese take out too which really isn't what I wanted but earlier in the day I ran into Rabba and got some lasagna that was just terrible so I had to get something to eat before my sugars tanked.

10 - finished some of that, stripped down to regular clothing again and layed down.  It's now 6 pm and the damn phone rings again.  I see it's my sister and ignore it.  The call isn't for me.  Next thing you know she's calling my cell phone.  I ignore it too.  Then my mom calls..  and again she calls..  holy crap so much for some rest.  This is driving me crazy and by 7:30 I get dressed and go back to the nursing home to calm her down.

11 - we have a long talk.  She really doesn't want to be there but there is nothing all that much wrong with the place.  She wants someone with her all the time but that can't happen there.  She is really way too attached to me but I can't figure out how to stop that other than taking her here now and then.  What is wrong is she keeps calling the nurse by the pull cord for nothing.  One time she even pulled it for someone to see what's in her drink cups!!  hence the long talk.  But...  I pulled it too!  Unknown to either of us, someone clamped the stupid nurse pull cord to her purse handle so every time she moved her purse, the stupid thing would pull!  Needless to say I let them know this and told them to just leave the cord hanging.  good grief.  While there I also discover that someone has put her phone on vibrate instead of ring.  This happened last time too and it pisses me off because she's hard of hearing so doesn't hear it if it's just vibrating.  So I fix her phone again.   

She wants her window open more, it does get hot in there but you can't open her curtains to allow the breeze in because directly outside of her window are two of those blazing movie lights.  Damn near blinds ya.  I realize this brings money into the nursing home but really????  I asked them how long they are going to be there earlier and was told 2 am.  Looks like she'll have her drapes pulled all night.  Hoping she isn't too hot.

12 - I finally get home at 9:15 pm and feed the dogs, etc.  crawl into bed by 10:30 and realize she hasn't phoned me. lol  She was determined to call me before she fell asleep.  oh well.  It's quiet for a change.  Piddle around on facebook, watch something short then crash around 11:30 I'm so damn tired.

so that was my day..  there was actually more to it as well.  every time I went in there I had to deal with the movie set and at times not being able to go in because they were shooting and having to wait.  And my mom thought there was a movie night too because it was on the chart for a 6:15 movie night in the lobby..  due to the actual movie being made in there all activities in the lobby were cancelled and she couldn't understand that and it got her confused because she thought she was suppose to go to the lobby.  This didn't help matters either.

This morning..  her damn phone is off again.  sheesh  I called the nurses station and am told she's still asleep!!  After 9 am???  damn.  So here I am, taking advantage of quiet time.  I'll go over with a coffee and her newspaper around 11 or noon and with 2 new sheets of directions. One to check her phone all the time to make sure it's on.  and another telling the staff to keep their damn hands off her phone and stop changing it to vibrate.  matter of fact, I'll have a talk to them about it too.

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